Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Healthy College Life

     The key to a healthy college life is to balance your schedule with exercise, schoolwork, relaxation, and the correct relationships.  Being a student at Texas A&M, I have learned to manage my schedule accordingly, but this also goes for college students all over the country.  
     Schoolwork and studying are crucial when it comes to a successful college student, but some people over-do it which leads to massive amounts of stress.  When you manage your time accordingly you will have stress, but it's a good stress.  It's a stress that allows you to accomplish the tasks at hand.  A healthy life consist of this stress.  The wrong stress is the stress that makes you feel like you will never accomplish the assignments.  This stress will add extra pressure to yourself, and lead you to an unhealthy lifestyle.  To manage these stress-levels, one must incorporate side activities to one's schedule.  
     Exercise is one side activity that can get your mind off of school and makes you feel better.  Exercise can give the individual more energy, and allow the individual to have an increase in focus.  Not only this, but it is key for a generally healthy lifestyle.  When you start feeling stressed or over-loaded with work, make a trip to a city park, weight room, or even  take a walk around a neighborhood.  
     Relationships can help and hurt you in college.  That is why it is very important to maintain correct relations with people around you.  It is important to have friends that have the same interest as you do.  This is a mutual relationship that can help reduce the stress levels.  

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