Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Difference in Being Healthy and Losing Weight

     Is losing weight always healthy?  While a lot of people may answer this question yes, the correct answer is no.  Plenty of Americans, especially girls, lose weight in a very unhealthy manner.  You hear all the time of people not eating or barely eating to lose unwanted weight.  This way of going about losing weight is extremely unhealthy, and in the long run can actually cause you to gain weight. 
     When an individual stops eating the proper amount of nutrients the person will lose weight but not the weight that person may have wanted.  When you cut your diet down to scarse amounts of food, most likely, you will not take in enough proteins.  With this lack of proteins the individual will lose their muscles which will cause a drop in weight.  The individual's body fat percentage will increase, even if they look skinnier.  As soon as that person stops their 'diet' and starts eating like normal Americans, the weight they put back on is not going to look attractive. 
     Not only will the person's body fat percentage increase with the lack of food diet, but the individual will not be getting the proper amounts of nutrients.  The human body needs a certain amount of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins everyday.  Good carbs give the body energy to stay focussed and get through the day.  The proper fats are neccesary for the organs of the body.  And proteins allow for muscle growth and stamina.  A proper combination of these three things daily will help lead to a healthy life.

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