Monday, October 25, 2010

Blaming Fast Food

     Why is it, that people want to blame fast food joints for their unhealthy eating habits, and therefore, their obesity?  Some people might find this to be a dumb question because fast food is very unhealthy, but the truth is, fast food places don't make an individual eat there.  People that are not very strict with their diet will continue to eat unhealthy until they either have a physical problem , they finally notice what these toxic foods are doing to them.  The problem with this is that they immediately blame the fast food industry.  People need to learn to take responsibility for their actions and accept that it is their fault. Several time the people have tried to sue that business for selling them unhealthy foods.  This is just wrong.  The company is just doing whatever they can to earn money and if the people are willing to intake this poison  then all the power to them.  It is the individual's choice to purchase the items.  I'm not trying to take all the blame off of the food places, but we, especially Americans, need to learn a proper diet and avoid stuffing our faces in their garbage. 

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